Semester 1 Reflection

Quality of work:

I think for a start to the year my work ethic has been good. I spend time trying to bet the best pictures possible with both focusing on the topic and the actual quality of the images. I always try to complete the assignment to the best of my ability but can improve how my pictures get sent across and the message they are sending. I try to take the project and have my style and personality show through my work and assignments. I can work on how my format and resolution is on my photographs because if you zoom in on some they become blurry. I think I try to go beyond my first idea and do my best to make unique assignments.


I do try to actively take photos when I have the time, I do not look for the most convenient place to take photos. I will think about the assignment and think what would be a good idea for the project and try to get that shot if I can, but its a bit harder since I don't have the ability to dive where I need to take some of my projects and don't always have the time. Many times I shoot more than is required but if i have the requirement completed and I found the photo I know i want to use for the project ill be satisfied with not having a huge amount over the minimum. I do not avoid idea that I think will be difficult and I don't give up if a shot is hard. I can work more next semester on taking more risks with my photographs and ideas. I do have a positive attitude on others work and think the projects are all good in their own specific way. I think I critique my own work too much and should try to be more positive about my own work.


I am on time to class every day, and I always try to be on time or early. I work through out the block until I'm done with my project and review it to see if there is anything to improve and if I decide thats my best then I will work on homework or things if I have any uncompleted work. Im always fine to work independently. When I'm working on a project I'm on task until the project is complete and reviewed and when I have nothing else to do I will see how others projects are coming along.


I think I am still figuring out who I am as a photographer and hope to develop that more next semester. I think there is still a lot to improve on and always will be and I will work toward that next semester with improving my technically and composition, along with being more confident and taking more risks in my work.


Next semester I will put more effort into creating unique and more enticing photos. I want to work on my ability to take photos and learn more tips to the actual way of taking photos and not just photoshop on them. I will try to think over my work more and think about what message my photos gives off for each project if any. I want to improve the quality of my photos as well and will work to find more discrete and interesting places that work with my project.

Part II:

I think one assignment should be to show a part of your life that is a big part of you. It could be a place that is from your childhood or an emotion that explains why your personality is how it is, anything to show what we are like outside of the fear of judgement at school. Putting your life and yourself into a photo would be a cool project in my opinion that I think would also allow us to learn more about each other.
