Cubism cont.

I think he went through many steps to get this photo, I think he first had to find a place to take the photos, then he had to ask for permission to get that area closed off so nothing would change, then he had to find people to stand in place for the photograph, he then had to set up each person to be in the place needed, and either had to stay there all day to get the different lightings and colors, or had to come and set the same things up multiple times in one day. Then he had to actually take the photos and use different lenses and styles to get the different looking pictures.

I think about 30-40 photos were used in this composition

No all the photos were not taken at the same time of day

Yes you can tell photos were pasted on top of each other and they have different looks/ effects.

I think this project took an immense amount of effort and time to complete and must have taken a lot of patience with everyone involved.
