What Art? 1

In the two pictures I see two women both on plain red-ish backgrounds. In the photos everything seems to be painted on the girls except for their hair. It looks like the rest of the picture is painted over in paint, the color choice and shades make the pictures look 3D and makes it seem like you can see the emotions going through them with the paint. The woman on top looks like she was a necklace of something along with a blue sleeveless shirt. The women look lonely but independent, but their facial expressions seem as if they are hiding an internal pain.

1) The expression on the models seems like loneliness and independence.

2) I think these were originally photos taken which where eventually painted over either in photoshop or with real paint.

3) The color does a lot for the photos, red is often portrayed as anger or pain and blue resembles sadness or loneliness and so the red background seems to emit their feeling of pain through something, and on the top picture the blue shirt and bandana seem to represent the pain of her loneliness.

4) I think they were trying to portray these emotions and feelings, I think they did a very good job from choosing the colors and use of paint to exaggerate the shadows and highlights to choosing the models and the poses they are doing. The attempt was successful because you can feel the emotions in the picture.
